Brad Carr’s
Creative Development Group
Learn, grow, express and explore yourself through this exciting new initiative that has been created by photographic artist and Nature writer Brad Carr.
This eight-week program has been designed to help you along your creative path as you seek to become the best version of yourself, explore what makes you unique, and pursue your highest human potential.
I’m going to be your guide as you journey into yourself to explore the depths of your own soul and revisit some of the events that shaped you to give your art more depth and meaning, and your voice; more power in the world.

Be prepared for immense personal and spiritual transformation as you embark upon an eight-week course that will take you into the depths of what it means to pursue the creative life.
One of my deepest passions is watching people evolve as they strive to become better humans every day. Over the past fifteen years, I have worked as a football coach, personal trainer, and creative practitioner - all of which prioritised the development of the individual above all. I believe that I have a real knack for getting to know a person at the deepest level very quickly, and my deep empathy means that I understand the inner workings of the mind, and the very essence of a person that comes before me. I can, therefore, bring the very best out of a person on an individual level and this makes the creative person my ultimate project.
What I hope that you will take from this project is a sense of empowerment that you will carry forwards on your path towards creativity. I want to help you remove your own blocks that are preventing the natural river of creativity from flowing through your heart. I want this course to be the catalyst that sparks your own awakening, or accelerates a journey that, perhaps, has already begun.
I will be the mirror that reflects back to you your own self-belief and confidence that already exists within - something that you, perhaps, have not recognised in yourself yet.
I hope to help you recognise other traits that you possess - such as the courage that has led you here to this point; where you are close to reaching out signal your interest in joining me and a group of other likeminded artists on this inward voyage. Courage is the turning point of profound inner and outer transformation, and the fork in the road that divided fear and love. Which road will you choose today?

‘‘I believe that there is an artist inside of everybody. The challenge is finding the right tools and asking the right questions to be able to access it.’’

‘‘Over the past seven years, creativity has been transformational for me and my own world. Through photography and writing, I have achieved immense amounts of healing and rescued parts of my own soul. My general sense of wellbeing has improved significantly and I have forged a tremendous purpose through the arts. Nature, and the trees, in particular, have been my sanctuary and safe space. I have likened the trees to my father, best friends, and therapist over the past few years, and their impact on my life has been unprecedented. I have experienced, firsthand, the profound benefits that they can have on the human spirit, and, if it weren’t for their unlimited offerings of love, patience and support, I wouldn’t exist in this form today.’’
How it Works
You’ll be a member on 8 x 90 minute online calls (bi-weekly) with me where I’ll share some insights from my own creative journey so far, as well as introducing you to my journaling practices that will help you to get to know yourself, create mantras to live by, and find your own artistic voice.
In each session there will be plenty of Q&A time, during which I’ll answer some of your questions and open the discussion to the group, so that you can get to know other people and make some friends along the way.
You will be invited to a private WhatsApp group which will be our primary place for further communication throughout the programme. In here, you will have access to me directly, as well as further communication with a group of likeminded people who will also be taking part in the group.
You will also be invited to Brad’s private Facebook group which will host further discussions and conversations around photography, writing, creativity, and life in general, and act as a place of community for likeminded creative individuals.
Starting in Spring 2025.
Sessions will be held bi-weekly
Investment: £75 per month.
With all of that in mind, are you a creative person looking to:
unlock your creative potential?
gain accountability for your own creative projects?
find and develop your own artistic voice?
join a creative community?
engage in creative discussion?
find a critical thinking space to develop your creativity and grow both personally and spiritually?
If so, then this space is perfect for you and a three-month journey with me is sure to skyrocket your development and kickstart your life as an artist.